jhub is a simple JavaScript library, which makes it possible to query the GitHub API for various information, such as:
The source code for jhub can be found here, or installed using npm.
Get repositories
var hub = jhub.init('TangChr');
hub.userRepos(function(repos) {
for(r in repos) {
Get starred repositories
var hub = jhub.init('TangChr');
hub.starredRepos(function(starred) {
for(s in starred) {
Get releases
var hub = jhub.init('TangChr');
var repo = hub.userRepo('jhub');
repo.releases(function(releases) {
for(r in releases) {
console.log(releases[r].tagName + ': ' + releases[r].name);
Get commits
var hub = jhub.init('TangChr');
var repo = hub.userRepo('jhub');
repo.commits(function(commits) {
for(c in commits) {
List a users organizations
var hub = jhub.init('TangChr');
hub.userOrgs(function(orgs) {
for(o in orgs) {
var org = hub.org(orgs[o].login);
org.get(function(info) {
console.log(info.login+': '+info.name);
List all members of a specific organization
var hub = jhub.init();
var org = hub.org('TangMedia');
org.members(function(members) {
for(m in members) {
var user = hub.user(members[m].login);
user.get(function(info) {
List all Gists for a specific user (only public Gists will be shown)
var hub = jhub.init('TangChr');
hub.userGists(function(gists) {
for(g in gists) {
List all Gists for a specific user (only public Gists will be shown)
This example also lists the files in each Gist
var hub = jhub.init('TangChr');
hub.userGists(function(gists) {
for(g in gists) {
var gist = hub.gist(gists[g].id);
gist.get(function(info) {
console.log('Gist: '+info.description);
for(f in info.files)
console.log('- '+info.files[f].name);